Logistics company in Hamburg
Rapid Logistics and forwarding from Hamburg has been offering its customers holistic transport and logistics services since 1958. What service do you expect from a shipping and logistics company? As a seaport shipping…
Rapid Logistics and forwarding from Hamburg has been offering its customers holistic transport and logistics services since 1958. What service do you expect from a shipping and logistics company? As a seaport shipping…
We have been your Hamburg customs agency since 1958 – we provide you with comprehensive advice on import and export customs clearance. Which AEO audited customs service does Rapid Logistics from Hamburg offer…
In August 2020, Rapid Logistics was again successfully audited in the IFS Logistics division. The International Featured Standards (IFS) describes a series of “food, product and service standards” which are intended to ensure…
Sieben der 10 größten Containerumschlags-Häfen der Welt liegen in China (Hong Kong eingeschlossen). Das zeigt deutlich, welch wichtigen Platz die chinesischen Verkehrsrouten im globalen Handel ausmachen. Nach dem Ausbruch des Corona-Virus in Wuhan,…